
Escape from the city: Zeffirelli villa now attracting jet-set crowd as Italian hotel

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

Franco Zeffirelli, the movie and opera director, lived at “Villa Tre Ville” on the Amalfi Coast until 2007, hosting stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Leonard Bernstein. Now, an Italian entrepreneur Giovanni Russo has  turned the four spectacular villas into a dream atmosphere, with an ultra-luxury hotel serving exquisite foods and views–if you can afford them !

Dennis Redmont wrote about “Villa Tre Ville” in the Hürriyet Daily News:

Click here to read the article!

“Worry not, dearest Umbria: those threats are opportunities”

Thursday, September 30th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

So writes Dennis Redmont in an article for the “Forum Marketing Territoriale” section of the Umbrian magazine, “Objettivo Impresa”.

Redmont, a veteran of Umbria, offers a tongue in cheek analysis of the Umbrian dilemma. This is a region in search of a new identity between financial meltdown and globalisation. By way of resolution, he invites Umbrians to participate in a healthy “regeneration” of the region.

Click here to read the article

Wanted : watchdog with loud bark

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

“Journalism must reconcile freedom of information with the new requirements of security and fighting terrorism. It is not easy: traditional media are losing credibility and power. The ethical issues
of professional responsibility must cohere with the solutions implemented in the world.
An informal “Club of Rome” would be useful to address, without hesitation, the ethical issues created by the new entanglement between security and instant information.”

So writes Dennis Redmont in Aspenia Media Evo‘ .

click here to read the article

In America there is greater balance between information and privacy

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

Dennis Redmont put forth the American perspective in a discussion of the Italian law on telephone tapping in an interview in the daily newspaper Il Mattino, where he was quoted as saying:

“In the absence of the availability of court documents and leaks from the public prosecutor, investigative journalism in Italy will improve”

click here to read the article

Mediaset Chairmen Defends Berlusconi against “neo colonialists”

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 | Articles | Comments Off on Mediaset Chairmen Defends Berlusconi against “neo colonialists”

Dennis  Redmont has been quoted in the Financial Times:

“In Italy the media and newspapers were born as an instrument of the elite. That’s why

the debate about its control becomes very ideological.”

Click here to read the article

In Italy, plurality of information is not in danger

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 | Articles | Comments Off on In Italy, plurality of information is not in danger

Dennis Redmont was interviewed by “Il Mattino” when interviewed, September 5 2009

Click here to read the article

The death of the very last Kennedy

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 | Articles | Comments Off on The death of the very last Kennedy

Ted, the last of the Kennedys, has died. On 27 August 2009 the monthly “Liberal” dedicates a long article to the man. Dennis Redmont, interviewed by the monthly, states “All the legislation of the social area has his name written in the footnotes”.

Liberal – Part I

Liberal – Part II

‘The new Gianni Agnelli’

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 | Articles | Comments Off on ‘The new Gianni Agnelli’

On the 27th of June 2009, La Stampa dedicated an article to the nomination of Sergio Marchionne to the Presidency of the Council for the United States and Italy. The growing amount of attention from American quarters garnered by the CEO of Fiat, in particular following his work with the Chrysler group, prompted Dennis Redmont to draw a comparison with that other great symbol of the Turin industrial group, Gianni Agnelli.


Download the article, click here !

Redmont on Marchionne

Friday, May 1st, 2009 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont on Marchionne

The article “Italian tradition meets New World culture”, published in the Independent on the 1st of May 2009, traces the history of Fiat and the central role played by Sergio Marchionne in the rejuvenation of the industrial group. In it, Redmont offers his insights as a privileged observer, naming the three key components of the Turin group that led to its success on the international economic market: a combination of Italian culture, North American culture, and financial culture.

Download the article, click here !

Berlusconi vs Murdoch

Monday, February 23rd, 2009 | Articles | Comments Off on Berlusconi vs Murdoch

As the battle rages between Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch and Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, Dennis Redmont gives his opinion in the article ‘Berlusconi vs Murdoch; Italy’s real reality TV’, by Jeff Israely, published in Time.

Download the article, click here !


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