
Portugal’s last anti Salazar guerrilla and the left rising to power. Dennis Redmont on Politico Europe

Monday, November 23rd, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Portugal’s last anti Salazar guerrilla and the left rising to power. Dennis Redmont on Politico Europe


In a new story based on his now declassified 50 year old political police file, Dennis Redmont writes about the erstwhile opponents of the Salazar dictatorship who hope to return to power with the looming Left coalition in Portugal

Click here to read the article

Declassified after 50 years: on Politico the story of Dennis Redmont’s file from the Portuguese secret police archive

Sunday, October 4th, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Declassified after 50 years: on Politico the story of Dennis Redmont’s file from the Portuguese secret police archive

Politico Redmont

Dennis Redmont wrote for Politico about his experience as foreign correspondent at Lisbon, Portugal, during the dictatorship.

Redmont’s political police file from 50 years ago under the Portuguese dictatorship was declassified, and he had a chance to see how Europe’s most durable regime tracked everything: phone calls, telex dispatches, monitoring etc (there was even a 1966 letter from a classmate I saw for the first time, steamed open and shakily translated).

Click here to read the article

The New York Times’ report and the Rome’s deterioration: Redmont at Rai Public Radio

Friday, July 24th, 2015 | Articles, Radio & TV | Comments Off on The New York Times’ report and the Rome’s deterioration: Redmont at Rai Public Radio

Rai Radio 1

Dennis Redmont was a guest at Public broadcast Rai Radio 1’s radio program, Tra poco in edicola (Soon on the newsstand) dealing with the issues of the deterioration of Rome.

” target=”_blank”>Click here to listen (in Italian)

Dennis Redmont on the Guantanamo Prison closing plan

Friday, July 24th, 2015 | Articles, Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the Guantanamo Prison closing plan

Radio Vaticana

Dennis Redmont was interviewed by Vatican Radio about the Guantanamo Prison Closing Plan.

Click here to listen (in Italian)

Dennis Redmont hosted a panel discussion at Columbia Business School Alumni

Thursday, June 18th, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont hosted a panel discussion at Columbia Business School Alumni

CBS logo

Dennis Redmont moderated a panel discussion at Columbia Business School Alumni of Rome, held on June 16, 2015 at LuissEnLabs, in Roma.

The panel was titled “Executive Coaching and the ‘new normal’: Triumphs, Tragedies and Ethical challenges”. 
The speakers were Roberto Boscia, Director Human Resources and Group Communication at Onda Energia; Stefano Mele, Human Resources Director at Rheinmetall Italia SpA; Bruno Francesconi, Manager at Poste Italiane; Luisa La Via, Leadership Coach, HR Development Senior Consultant & previously Development Senior Director at Bulgari/LVMH; Fabrizia Ingenito, Executive Coach.

Dennis Redmont on Baltimore protests

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on Baltimore protests

Radio Città Futura

April 29th Dennis Redmont was interviewed by Radio Città futura on racial question in US and Baltimore protests. 

Click here to visit the website

Dennis Redmont in the Portuguese magazine “I”

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont in the Portuguese magazine “I”

The Portuguese magazine “I” published an interview to Dennis Redmont, written by Joana Azevedo Viana. In this article, Dennis Redmont talks about his experience in Portugal as AP foreign correspondent in the ’60 and his strained relations with the political police.

Click here to read the text

Dennis Redmont at #IJF15

Friday, April 3rd, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont at #IJF15

Ijf 15 Redmont En

Dennis Redmont will attend the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, 2015 edition, as President of the jury of the “Stories of Umbria” Journalism Award.

Click here to visit the website

Stories on Umbria: The Winners

Friday, April 3rd, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on Stories on Umbria: The Winners

Raccontami l'Umbria

The winners of the “Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award, 2015 edition, are Kieran Mulvaney (International Press Category), Zong Beilei (Video Category) and Claudio Sampaolo (Local Press Category), with a special mention to Elaine Sciolino, journalist of “The New York Times”, Isabella Brega, news editor of Touring, and the italian video maker Giovanni Obligato. 

All the winners will be honored in the award ceremony, presided over by President of the Jury Dennis Redmont, to be held saturday 18th of April, during the 2015 International Journalism Festival in Perugia (15 – 19 April 2015).

“Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 | Articles | Comments Off on “Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award

Raccontami l'Umbria
Dennis Redmont is the president of the jury of the 2015 edition of the “Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award, set up and managed by the Chambers of Commerce of Perugia and Terni.
Click here to visit the website


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