
Obama’s Campaign & Communication Strategy: Interview with Desk

Thursday, May 16th, 2013 | Articles | Comments Off on Obama’s Campaign & Communication Strategy: Interview with Desk

Interviewed at length by Desk magazine, Dennis Redmont gives his opinion on the latest U.S. presidential campaign, Obama’s communication strategies and the differences between Italian and American political communication.

Click here to read to the interview (.pdf, Italian).

Dennis Redmont at #ijf13: the videos

Monday, May 6th, 2013 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont at #ijf13: the videos

Dennis Redmont spoke at two panels at International Journalism Festival in Perugia. Here are the videos (in Italian) of the events:

1) “Twitter e giornalismo personale: lo scenario italiano” – YouTube

2) “Raccontami l’Umbria” – YouTube

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Dennis Redmont in

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont in

Interviewed by Stefano Casertano, Dennis Redmont gave his take on the (future) foreign policy of the new Letta government.

Click here to read the full article (in Italian).

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Dennis Redmont at International Journalism Festival 2013 #IJF13

Thursday, April 18th, 2013 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont at International Journalism Festival 2013 #IJF13

The 7th edition of International Journalism Festival will take place in Perugia on April 24-28, 2013. Dennis Redmont will speak at the following events:

– “Twitter and personalised journalism: the Italian scenario” panel (11:30 – 13:00, wednesday 24/04/2013 at Centro Servizi G. Alessi):

Thanks to Twitter individual journalists are becoming ‘one-man news organisations’, replacing newspapers as the primary source of news for many readers. But at what price? An analysis of the presence of Italian journalists on Twitter, from deontological uncertainties to the temptations of autoreferentiality.

– Awards ceremony of the fourth edition of the Stories on Umbria Journalism Award (11:30 – 13:00, Saturday 27/04/2013 at Centro Servizi G. Alessi), set up and managed by the Chambers of Commerce of Perugia and Terni.

Dennis Redmont On ‘TIME’ Magazine

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont On ‘TIME’ Magazine

Interviewed by TIME contributor Stephan Faris, Dennis Redmont analyzed Pope Francis’ communication skills and how the new Pope handled “his first communication crisis”.

There’s every indication that the new Pope knows how to work the media himself. When, a few days after the election, questions about his role during Argentina’s bloody military dictatorship threatened to derail the narrative of renewal, the Vatican responded with uncharacteristic speed and force, releasing a statement that described the accusations as slanderous, defamatory and motivated by leftist anticlericalism. “That was his first communications crisis, his first bump in the road,” says Dennis Redmont, a professor of international media at the University of Perugia, who covered three papacies as a journalist for the Associated Press. “When someone makes an accusation, it dangles. And in the age of social media, if you let it dangle, you’re dead. It’s important to handle these things quickly.”

Click here to read the full article atTime magazine website

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US Presidential Elections: the Victory of Big Data & Big Money

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on US Presidential Elections: the Victory of Big Data & Big Money

In the latest issue of “Aspenia” magazine, due to hit the shelves in January, Dennis Redmont analyzes communication and advertising techniques displayed during in the US Presidential campaign.

From the summary:

In the last US Presidential campaign, more than social networks usage, the key to success was data-mining technology. Yet television was fundamental, and the Obama campaign produced more targeted advertising than ever.

Click here to read the full article on Aspenia (.pdf format).

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“Italy Has Become More American, But Still Doesn’t Quite Grasp It”. Dennis Redmont in “L’Opinione”

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on “Italy Has Become More American, But Still Doesn’t Quite Grasp It”. Dennis Redmont in “L’Opinione”

Dennis Redmont talks with Umberto Mucci, journalist at L’Opinione, about the US Presidential Elections, the Council for the United States and Italy and the relationship between the two countries.

Click here to read the interview (in Italian).

Redmont’s Prediction For US Elections

Monday, November 5th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont’s Prediction For US Elections

In a brief interview with Filippo Sensi, deputy editor of the newspaper Europa, Dennis Redmont talks about the upcoming US presidential election and its possible outcome.

Since the elections will be very tight, republicans and democrats have recruited thousands of lawyers to monitor and eventually question some small-margin results (the republicans even 8 thousand). The most important battles are the referendums regarding the states who would legalize marijuana (Colorado and Washington), gay marriage (Maryland) and the “proposition 37” in California (companies have spent over 40 million dollars) in favor or against OMG. But at the end Obama will win, as he rightly managed the Sandy tragedy and has recovered from a horrible performance in the first debate which will remain a classic of political rhetoric.

Click here to read the article (in Italian): «Chi ci sarà mercoledì alla Casa Bianca? Popcorn per la “election night».

On “Prima Comunicazione”, Dennis Redmont analyzes Italian Premier Monti’s communication strategy

Monday, October 29th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on On “Prima Comunicazione”, Dennis Redmont analyzes Italian Premier Monti’s communication strategy

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Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Dennis Redmont proposes his viewpoint on the status of communication in Italy in an article for a project called WeThink (developed by Italia Camp, a network of Italian associations and think tanks). Redmont’s contribution to the project gives hints and examples of how society meddles with politics and suggests Italians to allow their country be “contaminated” by the outside world.

Click here to read the article

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