
Stories on Umbria 2017

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017 | Debates | Comments Off on Stories on Umbria 2017

Premiazione Raccontami l'Umbria

On April 7, Dennis Redmont spoke at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, 2017 edition, as member of the jury of the “Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Perugia gave a prize to international journalists who covered the touristic beauty of Region, the story of the big and small local companies and the Region’s products. 

Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Monday, January 23rd, 2017 | Articles, Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Radio radicale
Dennis Redmont was a guest of Spazio Transnazionale, the international current events newscast of Radio? Radicale, hosted by Francesco De Leo.
Redmont commented on President-elect Trump inaugural ceremony and on his speech, which was “unusual and divisive”.
“America First”, “Buy American” and “Hire America” were Trump’s rallying cries.
The radio broadcast is online on Spazio Transnazionale.

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Stories on Umbria, the 2016 Award Ceremony

Thursday, May 19th, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on Stories on Umbria, the 2016 Award Ceremony


The Award ceremony for the 2016 edition of the “Stories on Umbria” International Journalism Prize will be held in Perugia, on June 11, at the Centro Servizi G. Alessi.

The ceremony will be hosted by Dennis Redmont, President of the Jury.

Among the speakers, the other Jury members, and the International and Italian journalists selected for the final shortlists of the Prize: among them, the Jury will announce the winners for each section of the 2016 edition of Stories on Umbria.

TEDx Rome 2016 Launch Press Conference

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on TEDx Rome 2016 Launch Press Conference


Dennis Redmont unveiled the program of the 2016 edition of TEDx , during a press conference held at NH Collection Rome, Palazzo Cinquecento.

Alongside with Redmont and Emilia Garito, TEDx Rome organizer, were movie director Gabriele Marinetti and scientist Guglielmo Lanzani: both will be among the speakers of TEDx Rome upcoming edition, on April 9 at Auditorium Parco della Musica: link.

Dennis Redmont for TEDxRome 2016

Monday, February 22nd, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont for TEDxRome 2016


Dennis Redmont is an organizer of the 2016 TEDxRome conference, which will be hosted at the “Auditorium – Parco della Musica”, Rome, April 9 2016.

TEDxRome 2016 is dedicated to game changers, “people who break and innovate the existing rules, and can achieve the impossibile”.

The event is an independent conference under license from the TED organization, the non profit global net dedicated to «Ideas Worth Spreading».

Dennis Redmont presents the Italian preview of “Spotlight”

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont presents the Italian preview of “Spotlight”


Dennis Redmont presented the Italian national preview of “Spotlight”, the movie directed by Tom McCarthy, starring Mark Ruffalo, Micheal Keaton and Rachel McAdams, and nominated for six Academy Awards.

The film follows The Boston Globe’s “Spotlight” team and its investigation into cases of systemic child sex abuse by numerous Roman Catholic priests in the Boston city area.

The preview was an initiative of Bim Distribuzione, with Perugia Graduate School of Journalism.

Dennis Redmont hosted a panel discussion at Meritas EMEA Regional Meeting

Thursday, October 16th, 2014 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont hosted a panel discussion at Meritas EMEA Regional Meeting

Dennis Redmont moderated a panel discussion at Meritas – an established global alliance of independent, full-service law firmsEMEA Regional Meeting, held on October 9-10, 2014 at Westin Excelsior Hotel in Roma.

The panel was titled “Navigating Between Scylla and Charybdis: Can a perilous journey turn into an Italian success story?

The speakers were Alessia Antinori, Export Manager of Emerging Markets of Antinori S.p.a.; Luca Federico Cadura, former CEO of NBC Universal Global Networks Italia; and Alessandro Pansa, former CEO of Finmeccanica S.p.a.

Dennis Redmont to teach at Sole 24 Ore Business School

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont to teach at Sole 24 Ore Business School

Dennis Redmont will teach “Anglo-Saxon Media” at the 5th edition of the Master in Communication, Public Relations and International Relations at the “Il Sole 24 Ore” Business School in Rome.

The Master will provide students with various skills, including the effective use of communication tools during political decision-making processes. The Master focuses on the communication between companies and their institutional stakeholders.

Click here to see the Master prospectus

Dennis Redmont to moderate a global meeting on tubercolosis in Rome

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont to moderate a global meeting on tubercolosis in Rome

On July 3, 2014 the Global TB Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) are helding a press conference at Starhotel Metropole (Room Navona -3, via Principe Amedeo) in Rome to announce a 33-country joint push towards TB elimination in low-TB-incidence countries. Dennis Redmont will moderate the conference.


The Benghazi attack and the stall of the Arab spring: Redmont at Radio3 program “The talk of the town”

Thursday, September 13th, 2012 | Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on The Benghazi attack and the stall of the Arab spring: Redmont at Radio3 program “The talk of the town”

Dennis Redmont is a guest on a Rai Radio 3‘s radio program, Tutta la citta’ ne parla (It becomes the talk of the town) dealing with the issues of US foreign policy and recent events in Libya.

Click here to listen


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