
“IF OBAMA WINS, IF ROMNEY WINS”: Dennis Redmont on public radio Parliamentary program

Monday, September 10th, 2012 | Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on “IF OBAMA WINS, IF ROMNEY WINS”: Dennis Redmont on public radio Parliamentary program

Dennis Redmont is a guest on journalist Giuseppe Mazzei’s radio programme, “Il Pungolo“, on GR Parlamento, the public radio of Italian institutions.

Listen to the programme

Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 | Articles, Debates | Comments Off on Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Dennis Redmont participates in the debate “The European paradox” organized by Aspen Institute Italia for the publication of its magazine Aspenia, number 57, “Elections and global power – Europe in US elections”. Redmont’s article about forthcoming elections can be found in this issue of the magazine.

Click here to see the invite

The debate takes place in Rome, at the Lancellotti Palace (Aspen Institute’s offices), piazza Navona, 114, on July 5 at 6.30 p.m.

Other important participants are: Giuliano Amato, Giancarlo Aragona, Enrico Letta, Enzo Moavero Milanesi and Giulio Tremonti. The Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Marta Dassu’ acts as a moderator.

Here you can find the link to Redmont’s article in Aspenia 57: Dennis Redmont, “Tutti a votare”

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Council for the USA and Italy: Workshop of Venice 2012

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Council for the USA and Italy: Workshop of Venice 2012

Dennis Redmont participates at the annual Workshop of the Council for the USA and Italy which takes place in Venice on Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9 2012 at the San Clemente Palace Hotel & Resort.

Among others, these are some of the most important speakers: Sergio Marchionne, President and CEO of  Chrysler Group LLC and CEO of Fiat S.p.A.; Mario Monti, the Italian Prime Minister; Ignazio Visco, the Governor of Banca d’Italia.

Presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale” by Lella Mazzoli

Friday, June 1st, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale” by Lella Mazzoli

Dennis Redmont intervenes at the presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale –Comunicazione e informazione fra media tradizionali e media digitali (‘The Media Patchwork – Communication and information between traditional and digital media’) by the author Lella Mazzoli, ordinary professor in Sociology of Communication at the University Carlo Bo of Urbino. The book sweeps the entire communication system to identify its main changes after the Internet revolution.

The presentation takes place on May 31, 2012 at 11.30 a.m. at the Istituto Sturzo in Rome (via delle Coppelle 35).

The contibution of Redmont is focused on the 2012 survey of News Italia, an observatory on the status of information consumption in Italy; the study evaluates how Italians get news and which is the real impact on their information consumption of new digital media and mobile devices.

Click here for further information

Freedom of the press: conference in Rome’s High Schools

Monday, February 13th, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Freedom of the press: conference in Rome’s High Schools

Dennis Redmont serves as keynote speaker ät Rome’s leading elite  high schools in a series on “Freedom of the Press”, comparing US First amendment and constitutional origins of the concept and similar provisions and differences in Italy’s constitution

click here to read the related article

(Italiano) Incontro – Dibattito: Media 2.0 Potere e Libertà

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 | Debates | Comments Off on (Italiano) Incontro – Dibattito: Media 2.0 Potere e Libertà

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.


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