Radio & TV

RTP1 is now airing “Tres Mulheres”, the TV series on censorship under Salazar’s dictatorship fought by Redmont.

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on RTP1 is now airing “Tres Mulheres”, the TV series on censorship under Salazar’s dictatorship fought by Redmont.

The critically acclaimed 13 episode docu-drama, “Tres Mulheres”, narrating Redmont’s experience as a foreing correspondent for the Associated Press, is currently on air on channel RTP1 of Portugal’s public broadcaster RTP. Watch every episode here:

In Portugal, Redmont clashed with the censorship of the dictatorial regime of Antonio Salazar and fought censors along with three women, leading cultural figures. To follow production and updates on the movie go to

Redmont and the actor playing his role, Simão Cayatte, have met in the early production stages to focus on Portugal’s socio-political context in the ’70s and further discuss Redmont’s role in that peculiar historical framework.

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A film revisits Dennis Redmont’s experience as a foreign correspondent under Portugal’s dictatorship

Friday, December 22nd, 2017 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on A film revisits Dennis Redmont’s experience as a foreign correspondent under Portugal’s dictatorship


Filming of the docu-drama in 13 episodes “Tres mulheres” (“Three women”) has begun for Portugal’s public broadcaster RTP. The serial touches upon Redmont’s experience in Lisbon as a foreign correspondent for the Associated Press. The series will be screened in 2018.

In Portugal, Redmont clashed with the censorship of the dictatorial regime of Antonio Salazar and fought censors along with three women, leading cultural figures. To follow production and updates on the movie go to

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Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Monday, November 6th, 2017 | Debates, Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


Dennis Redmont was a guest of “Sky TG 24 Pomeriggio”, a popular news program hosted by journalist Lavinia Spingardi on the Italian Sky All News Channel.

Redmont discussed various topics, such as the New York’s attack – which on October 31 caused the deaths of eight people at the hands of a 29-year-old Uzbek man – and the two-week institutional trip to Asia by Donald Trump.

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Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Monday, January 23rd, 2017 | Articles, Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Radio radicale
Dennis Redmont was a guest of Spazio Transnazionale, the international current events newscast of Radio? Radicale, hosted by Francesco De Leo.
Redmont commented on President-elect Trump inaugural ceremony and on his speech, which was “unusual and divisive”.
“America First”, “Buy American” and “Hire America” were Trump’s rallying cries.
The radio broadcast is online on Spazio Transnazionale.

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The Trump presidency and the economy: Dennis Redmont on RaiNews

Saturday, November 12th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on The Trump presidency and the economy: Dennis Redmont on RaiNews

trump pence

Dennis Redmont was a guest of Tg Economia, the economic newscast of RaiNews (the all news channel of Rai) hosted by journalist Fabrizio Angeli, commenting the post 2016 US presidential elections scenario.

Redmont interved on Trump’s victory and on the possibile impact of his presidency on the economy.

The newscast can be viewed on Rai News website

US Elections 2016 Live Coverage: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Thursday, November 10th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on US Elections 2016 Live Coverage: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


Dennis Redmont was among the guests of the US 2016 presidential elections on Sky Italy all news channel, SkyTG24.

The electoral night was commented live by SkyTG24 editor in chief, Sarah Varetto, and many other Italian and foreign guests, such as Maurizio Molinari, editor in chief of the Italian daily La Stampa.

Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Friday, September 16th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


Dennis Redmont was a guest of “Dentro I fatti”(Inside the facts), a popular news program hosted by journalist Paola Saluzzi on the Italian Sky All News Channel.

Redmont discussed various topics, such as the latest developments of the US presidential campaign, and recent comments made by the American Ambassador in Italy – regarding the upcoming constitutional referendum – which have sparked a controversy among some Italian politicians.

Dennis Redmont on the Italian breakfast show “Unomattina”

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the Italian breakfast show “Unomattina”

Dennis Redmont was one of the guests of “Unomattina”, the popular Italian breakfast show hosted by journalists Franco di Mare and Francesca Fialdini on RaiUno.

Redmont discussed the most recent developments in the 2016 Presidential race, Hillary Clinton’s health issues, and how they can affect the campaign.

The entire episode can be viewed here (link) from minute 17.00 on.

On the same topic, Redmont has been also interviewed for RTV, the national radio television network of the Republic of San Marino.

Dennis Redmont on the Italian talk show “Today”

Sunday, February 28th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the Italian talk show “Today”


Dennis Redmont was the guest of “Today”, the Italian talk show hosted by the journalist Andrea Sarubbi on TV2000, during a program entirely dedicated to the United States.

Redmont and Sarubbi discussed the current state of the American democracy, with special attention for the 2016 primary race and the upcoming Super Tuesday.

The entire episode can be viewed here.

Dennis Redmont on the Iowa caucuses

Saturday, January 30th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the Iowa caucuses

Radio Vaticana

Dennis Redmont was interviewed on Radio Vaticana about the 2016 US presidential race and the Iowa caucuses.

Redmont discussed how Democrats and Republicans are approaching the primaries, the rumours about an independent bid by Michael Bloomberg, and the main themes of the presidential run.

The interview is available here.


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