Election Day: Dennis Redmont on “Radio Vaticana”

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 | Radio & TV

Dennis Redmont was interviewed by Radio Vaticana about the US Presidential Election, the high technological standard of the campaign and the conflicted political landscape in America.

Regarding the first theme, Redmont was struck by the high technical level of observation performed by the average American voter:

The level of specificity deployed by the media to understand the voter’s behavior and mindset is so advanced that it is possible to know, for instance, which car brand an average Republican voter prefers, as electoral and commercial data intertwine and can be drawn on their profile. Hence, this kind of targeting enables for a wider and deeper understanding of voters’ behavior.

Secondly, Redmont believes the U.S. will remain politically divided regardless of the election result:

The U.S. will remain split no matter who wins the elections, as the opposition party would block any sort of legislative decision. For example, if the front-runner, Obama, would win, the Congress and probably also the Senate would nevertheless have a Republican majority. Therefore, the first couple of months, even before the end Obama’s official term – which occurs next January – will prove if the U.S. can deal with such crises like the deficit. It’s a big question mark, also because the loser will have to face a showdown and either the conservative or the democratic faction will be forced to find a compromise… I’m not at all optimistic!

Click here to read the article and to listen to the interview (both in Italian): «Presidenziali Usa: candidati al rush finale, incertezza sul risultato».


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