RTP1 is now airing “Tres Mulheres”, the TV series on censorship under Salazar’s dictatorship fought by Redmont.
Tuesday, December 18th, 2018 | Radio & TV
The critically acclaimed 13 episode docu-drama, “Tres Mulheres”, narrating Redmont’s experience as a foreing correspondent for the Associated Press, is currently on air on channel RTP1 of Portugal’s public broadcaster RTP. Watch every episode here: http://www.rtp.pt/programa/episodios/tv/p36340
In Portugal, Redmont clashed with the censorship of the dictatorial regime of Antonio Salazar and fought censors along with three women, leading cultural figures. To follow production and updates on the movie go to http://www.imdb.com/title/
Redmont and the actor playing his role, Simão Cayatte, have met in the early production stages to focus on Portugal’s socio-political context in the ’70s and further discuss Redmont’s role in that peculiar historical framework.