Marchionne, ungrateful? ‘It’s the Italian system that doesn’t work!’

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 | Articles

Sergio Marchionne’s interview with Fazio in the programme “Che tempo che fa” stirred much controversy. Speaking to the independent newspaper Lettera 43, Dennis Redmont noted that the CEO’s comments risked being blown out of proportion.

Rather, his comments “should come as a wake-up call, and force people to face up to reality,” said Redmont. That reality is Italy’s lack of competitiveness, the difficulties of doing business in the country, the critical employment market and the lack of guarantees from the unions. These all dissuade foreign investment. “The Italian work system does not offer flexibility, it is not based on meritocracy, and it does not invest in inovation. That is why foreign investment stays away.”

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