Election Day: Dennis Redmont on “Radio Vaticana”

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Election Day: Dennis Redmont on “Radio Vaticana”

Dennis Redmont was interviewed by Radio Vaticana about the US Presidential Election, the high technological standard of the campaign and the conflicted political landscape in America.

Regarding the first theme, Redmont was struck by the high technical level of observation performed by the average American voter:

The level of specificity deployed by the media to understand the voter’s behavior and mindset is so advanced that it is possible to know, for instance, which car brand an average Republican voter prefers, as electoral and commercial data intertwine and can be drawn on their profile. Hence, this kind of targeting enables for a wider and deeper understanding of voters’ behavior.

Secondly, Redmont believes the U.S. will remain politically divided regardless of the election result:

The U.S. will remain split no matter who wins the elections, as the opposition party would block any sort of legislative decision. For example, if the front-runner, Obama, would win, the Congress and probably also the Senate would nevertheless have a Republican majority. Therefore, the first couple of months, even before the end Obama’s official term – which occurs next January – will prove if the U.S. can deal with such crises like the deficit. It’s a big question mark, also because the loser will have to face a showdown and either the conservative or the democratic faction will be forced to find a compromise… I’m not at all optimistic!

Click here to read the article and to listen to the interview (both in Italian): «Presidenziali Usa: candidati al rush finale, incertezza sul risultato».

Redmont’s Prediction For US Elections

Monday, November 5th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont’s Prediction For US Elections

In a brief interview with Filippo Sensi, deputy editor of the newspaper Europa, Dennis Redmont talks about the upcoming US presidential election and its possible outcome.

Since the elections will be very tight, republicans and democrats have recruited thousands of lawyers to monitor and eventually question some small-margin results (the republicans even 8 thousand). The most important battles are the referendums regarding the states who would legalize marijuana (Colorado and Washington), gay marriage (Maryland) and the “proposition 37” in California (companies have spent over 40 million dollars) in favor or against OMG. But at the end Obama will win, as he rightly managed the Sandy tragedy and has recovered from a horrible performance in the first debate which will remain a classic of political rhetoric.

Click here to read the article (in Italian): «Chi ci sarà mercoledì alla Casa Bianca? Popcorn per la “election night».

On “Prima Comunicazione”, Dennis Redmont analyzes Italian Premier Monti’s communication strategy

Monday, October 29th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on On “Prima Comunicazione”, Dennis Redmont analyzes Italian Premier Monti’s communication strategy

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Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Dennis Redmont proposes his viewpoint on the status of communication in Italy in an article for a project called WeThink (developed by Italia Camp, a network of Italian associations and think tanks). Redmont’s contribution to the project gives hints and examples of how society meddles with politics and suggests Italians to allow their country be “contaminated” by the outside world.

Click here to read the article

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The Benghazi attack and the stall of the Arab spring: Redmont at Radio3 program “The talk of the town”

Thursday, September 13th, 2012 | Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on The Benghazi attack and the stall of the Arab spring: Redmont at Radio3 program “The talk of the town”

Dennis Redmont is a guest on a Rai Radio 3‘s radio program, Tutta la citta’ ne parla (It becomes the talk of the town) dealing with the issues of US foreign policy and recent events in Libya.

Click here to listen

“IF OBAMA WINS, IF ROMNEY WINS”: Dennis Redmont on public radio Parliamentary program

Monday, September 10th, 2012 | Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on “IF OBAMA WINS, IF ROMNEY WINS”: Dennis Redmont on public radio Parliamentary program

Dennis Redmont is a guest on journalist Giuseppe Mazzei’s radio programme, “Il Pungolo“, on GR Parlamento, the public radio of Italian institutions.

Listen to the programme

Redmont in the Turkish magazine “Noble and Royal”

Monday, September 10th, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont in the Turkish magazine “Noble and Royal”

Dennis Redmont describes the new global communication world and media implications both global and for Turkey in the Istanbul luxury magazine “Noble and Royal“.

Download full article

Noble and Royal magazine

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Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 | Articles, Debates | Comments Off on Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Dennis Redmont participates in the debate “The European paradox” organized by Aspen Institute Italia for the publication of its magazine Aspenia, number 57, “Elections and global power – Europe in US elections”. Redmont’s article about forthcoming elections can be found in this issue of the magazine.

Click here to see the invite

The debate takes place in Rome, at the Lancellotti Palace (Aspen Institute’s offices), piazza Navona, 114, on July 5 at 6.30 p.m.

Other important participants are: Giuliano Amato, Giancarlo Aragona, Enrico Letta, Enzo Moavero Milanesi and Giulio Tremonti. The Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Marta Dassu’ acts as a moderator.

Here you can find the link to Redmont’s article in Aspenia 57: Dennis Redmont, “Tutti a votare”

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Council for the USA and Italy: Workshop of Venice 2012

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Council for the USA and Italy: Workshop of Venice 2012

Dennis Redmont participates at the annual Workshop of the Council for the USA and Italy which takes place in Venice on Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9 2012 at the San Clemente Palace Hotel & Resort.

Among others, these are some of the most important speakers: Sergio Marchionne, President and CEO of  Chrysler Group LLC and CEO of Fiat S.p.A.; Mario Monti, the Italian Prime Minister; Ignazio Visco, the Governor of Banca d’Italia.

Presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale” by Lella Mazzoli

Friday, June 1st, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale” by Lella Mazzoli

Dennis Redmont intervenes at the presentation of the book “Il Patchwork Mediale –Comunicazione e informazione fra media tradizionali e media digitali (‘The Media Patchwork – Communication and information between traditional and digital media’) by the author Lella Mazzoli, ordinary professor in Sociology of Communication at the University Carlo Bo of Urbino. The book sweeps the entire communication system to identify its main changes after the Internet revolution.

The presentation takes place on May 31, 2012 at 11.30 a.m. at the Istituto Sturzo in Rome (via delle Coppelle 35).

The contibution of Redmont is focused on the 2012 survey of News Italia, an observatory on the status of information consumption in Italy; the study evaluates how Italians get news and which is the real impact on their information consumption of new digital media and mobile devices.

Click here for further information


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