‘SustainaBEERity’: Carlsberg promotes innovation at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on ‘SustainaBEERity’: Carlsberg promotes innovation at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia

Dennis Redmont intervenes at the event organized by Carlsberg Italia within the frame of the International Journalism Festival of Perugia.

With the slogan ‘SustainaBEERity’, Carlsberg Italia launches its innovation project based on a ‘different’ beer tapping, which is able to increase the quality of the product, besides being environmentally sustainable.

Other speakers at the event: Alberto Frausin, Carlsberg Italia’s CEO,  and Luca Conti, social media expert and founder of the website pandemia.info.

click here for further information

Are cellphones hazardous to your health?

Thursday, February 16th, 2012 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Are cellphones hazardous to your health?

Dennis Redmont reviews the recent consumer and court battles in the United States over phone radiation law and the prospects for manufacturer warnings regarding perceived risk of cellular phones, especially for children.
Program  NEL CUORE DEI GIORNI – VERDE on TV2000 network, 15 February 2012

Click here to see the video

Freedom of the press: conference in Rome’s High Schools

Monday, February 13th, 2012 | Debates | Comments Off on Freedom of the press: conference in Rome’s High Schools

Dennis Redmont serves as keynote speaker ät Rome’s leading elite  high schools in a series on “Freedom of the Press”, comparing US First amendment and constitutional origins of the concept and similar provisions and differences in Italy’s constitution

click here to read the related article

“Inequalities and capitalism”: Dennis Redmont on the Italian ‘Radio 3’

Thursday, January 26th, 2012 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on “Inequalities and capitalism”: Dennis Redmont on the Italian ‘Radio 3’

Today Dennis Redmont interviewed in the program “Tutta la città ne parla” of Rai Radio 3, hosted by Giorgio Zanchini.

click here to listen to the interview

USA: Republican primary elections

Friday, January 6th, 2012 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on USA: Republican primary elections

Dennis Redmont comments on the current US Republican primary elections in an interview for the Italian Radio InBlu.

click here to listen to the interview

Journalism 2.0? “A job for many, not for everyone”

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 | Articles | Comments Off on Journalism 2.0? “A job for many, not for everyone”

Dennis Redmon
t takes a picture of the state of the profession of journalist in the web 2.0 era in his contribution on the magazine  “Aspenia Web 2.0: Potere e Libertà” – on sale since October 24th 2011. How does the role of journalists change within the new web platforms? How do they adapt their activities to new technologies? And how does the same idea of ‘editorial board’ evolve?

Journalism is no longer an economically rewarding job, at least for what the large-scale journalism of old editorial boards is concerned. All those brand-new types of journalism – such as on-demand and do-it-yourself journalism, or the use of anonymous sources and false identities – raise up one big question: is ‘real’ journalism dead? Are thus journalists a vanishing species? Absolutely not. Actually, a good journalist’s key is a constant application of standard rules. Essential and timeless rules. True journalists will continue to be clearly heard among the mass of voices coming from the web.

click here to read the article on Aspenia 2.0

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(Italiano) Incontro – Dibattito: Media 2.0 Potere e Libertà

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 | Debates | Comments Off on (Italiano) Incontro – Dibattito: Media 2.0 Potere e Libertà

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”

Thursday, October 6th, 2011 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”

On the day of the Apple innovator’s sad demise, Dennis Redmont passed on Steve Job’s words of wisdom: “stay hungry, stay foolish,” when interviewed on Radio Tre programme “Tutta la città ne parla”.
Click here to listen!

American student Amanda Knox sheds murder conviction and flies home to the USA

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on American student Amanda Knox sheds murder conviction and flies home to the USA

How it was handled by the international media?

Interviewed on the La7 show Coffee Break, Dennis Redmont said  the  clearing of the conviction of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito of the murder of English student Meredith Kercher in Perugia in November 2007, produces losers all around–the media, Italian justice and the families themselves.

“Italian justice has contradicted itself. This sterotype of a non-functioning justice system is a burden to Italy in its foreign relations.”
Click here to watch the show

9/11 : 10 YEARS LATER

Sunday, September 18th, 2011 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on 9/11 : 10 YEARS LATER

On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers, Dennis Redmont asks: what has changed?

In an interview with Sky TG24 on the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the twin towers, Dennis Redmont gave his analysis of the consequences of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Despite the ongoing war in Afghanistan, the West feels safer after the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. But has the threat of international terrorism truly gone away?

Redmont explained that though there are still active terrorist cells in existence, the threat they pose has diminished. After the bombings in Madrid and London there have been no verified attempts to launch terrorist attacks in the West: this in itself shows that the level of security is much higher than in previous years.

He concluded that attention should now be focused not on the threat of international terrorism but on the problem of a world economy in crisis.

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