(Italiano) Stati Uniti: alla ricerca di un compromesso in extremis sul debito

Friday, July 29th, 2011 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on (Italiano) Stati Uniti: alla ricerca di un compromesso in extremis sul debito

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Football: Rome is in American hands

Sunday, April 17th, 2011 | Articles | Comments Off on Football: Rome is in American hands

“They aim to do business with the brand, otherwise they won’t stay” So Dennis Redmont during an interview with the italian newspaper Corriere della sera.
Click on the image to read the interview!

USA: “United or Divided”?

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 | Articles | Comments Off on USA: “United or Divided”?

“In recent years some dramatic, uneven shifts have turned the United States into a nation that’s harder to know in depth…and harder to govern. In 2011 Americans will realize their places and faces have drastically changed in the past decade”.

So Dennis Redmont wrote in an article for the Eni Oil Magazine Book.

Click here to read the article!


Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 | Articles | Comments Off on “IT BEGINS WITH US”


US President Barack Obama has announced his intention to run for re-election.

Dennis Redmont was interviewed about the development on Radio Vaticana.

The big question was, “Who dares take him on?” In Redmont’s view, Obama’s chances for reelection are good, but external factors continue to effect the polls. Issues like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and now Libya, and not least the state of the world economy, will continue to have unpredictable effect up until the vote in November 2012.

The annoucement of the reelection campaign came via a web clip sent to supporters on social networking sites, and posted on Obama’s official website, www.barackobama.com.

Click here to listen or read the interview

“I had a dream?” Usa Midterm elections 2010

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 | Articles | Comments Off on “I had a dream?” Usa Midterm elections 2010

Dennis Redmont was invited to speak on the USA’s midterm elections of 2 November on La 7’s Omnibus. The result should be understood as a semi-defeat for Obama, who maintained a slight majority in the Senate, while losing the seat majority in the House of Representatives.

“The United States have found themselves in the midst of a permanent election campaign. The so-called ‘Obama referendum’ has been a protest against the serious economic crisis threatening America, rather than a lack of confirmation of the president’s mandate. Obama’s reaction should be to shuffle out some new faces, such as the emerging Rahm Emanuel, and to keep on reminding the country of the small but important successes his government has achieved.”

Click here to see the whole episode

Is a Tea Party possible in Italy?

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 | Articles | Comments Off on Is a Tea Party possible in Italy?

It has been suggested that Berlusconi’s beleaguered PDL party should be reformed to imitate the surging Tea Party movement in the United States. But is a ‘Tea Party’ possible in Italy?

Not exactly, says Dennis Redmont, when interviewed by the TV station, RSI’s La 1.

“Look – in America there are two big parties. In Italy there are about twenty-seven! It just wouldn’t work – plus, we mustn’t forget that Berlusconi is currently in power. He can’t hope to inspire a movement like the Tea Party, which was born in opposition.”

Click here to see the episode (in Italian), which was broadcast on 20 October

Marchionne, ungrateful? ‘It’s the Italian system that doesn’t work!’

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

Sergio Marchionne’s interview with Fazio in the programme “Che tempo che fa” stirred much controversy. Speaking to the independent newspaper Lettera 43, Dennis Redmont noted that the CEO’s comments risked being blown out of proportion.

Rather, his comments “should come as a wake-up call, and force people to face up to reality,” said Redmont. That reality is Italy’s lack of competitiveness, the difficulties of doing business in the country, the critical employment market and the lack of guarantees from the unions. These all dissuade foreign investment. “The Italian work system does not offer flexibility, it is not based on meritocracy, and it does not invest in inovation. That is why foreign investment stays away.”

Click here to read the article

Escape from the city: Zeffirelli villa now attracting jet-set crowd as Italian hotel

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

Franco Zeffirelli, the movie and opera director, lived at “Villa Tre Ville” on the Amalfi Coast until 2007, hosting stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Leonard Bernstein. Now, an Italian entrepreneur Giovanni Russo has  turned the four spectacular villas into a dream atmosphere, with an ultra-luxury hotel serving exquisite foods and views–if you can afford them !

Dennis Redmont wrote about “Villa Tre Ville” in the Hürriyet Daily News:

Click here to read the article!

“Worry not, dearest Umbria: those threats are opportunities”

Thursday, September 30th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

So writes Dennis Redmont in an article for the “Forum Marketing Territoriale” section of the Umbrian magazine, “Objettivo Impresa”.

Redmont, a veteran of Umbria, offers a tongue in cheek analysis of the Umbrian dilemma. This is a region in search of a new identity between financial meltdown and globalisation. By way of resolution, he invites Umbrians to participate in a healthy “regeneration” of the region.

Click here to read the article

Wanted : watchdog with loud bark

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 | Articles | No Comments

“Journalism must reconcile freedom of information with the new requirements of security and fighting terrorism. It is not easy: traditional media are losing credibility and power. The ethical issues
of professional responsibility must cohere with the solutions implemented in the world.
An informal “Club of Rome” would be useful to address, without hesitation, the ethical issues created by the new entanglement between security and instant information.”

So writes Dennis Redmont in Aspenia Media Evo‘ .

click here to read the article


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