The future of American democracy

Sunday, October 4th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on The future of American democracy

Will polarized American society accept and respect the result of the election despite the omen of “the worst debate in the history of debates”?

My full analysis for Vatican Radio (min. 01:30 – 14:00).

Joe Biden and USA’s priorities

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on Joe Biden and USA’s priorities

Exactly 12 years ago, I had the occasion to spend two days close to Joe Biden and his wife Jill, during one of the Council for the United States and Italy’s conferences, held once a year in Venice.

Biden was invited as a keynote speaker, and he predicted and outlined priorities for the USA — still relevant today.

You can read some of his words in the article I wrote back then, for the Turkish Daily News.

On the trail of Salazar’s Portuguese dictatorship

Thursday, August 13th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on On the trail of Salazar’s Portuguese dictatorship

Corporativism, political police, role of the foreign press; retraced the trails of Salazar’s “nightmarish” dictatorship, which terrorized Portugal for 40 years. On Unomattina my experience as a foreign correspondent persecuted by the regime, in support of Marco Ferrari’s new book “The incredible story of Antonio Salazar, the dictator who died twice”.

Click here to see my interview (minutes 55:00 – 69:00)

Sunday, May 31st, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on

The confluence of Afro American and Latino rage and First amendment violations stoke the flames of racial tension in the USA: my take on public broadcaster RAI GR3 (min 8:37).

Click here to listen to the podcast with my comments.

Italy innovates with the anchorman running news shows from his living room

Saturday, April 18th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on Italy innovates with the anchorman running news shows from his living room

Two countries in the south of Europe, two of the “oldest” countries, two countries behind in digitization. Do Italy and Portugal have other points in common? They are two advanced democracies, whose main glue is television.

As the first and main European country hit by the emergency, Italy had to quickly invent a new way to make TV: the Living room TV. Sky Italia was the first to launch the innovative “Sky a casa Italia” format, with programs aired by presenters’ homes. It won’t be long before other countries like Portugal, technologically on a par with Italy, adopt the same system.

It seems as if the future of television has already been written, and we have no choice but to wait and see.

My take in Portugal’s leading weekly Expresso Magazine.

Beverly Pepper passed away: Italy loses a treasure

Monday, February 10th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on Beverly Pepper passed away: Italy loses a treasure

A sculptor Giant passes: Beverly Pepper developed her American roots in Italy with breathtaking landmark art around the world. Italy loses a treasure!

Click here to read my take in a NYT article.

The Portuguese “Publico” newspaper reveals the role of the correspondents during the censorship of the 60s

Monday, January 20th, 2020 | Articles | Comments Off on The Portuguese “Publico” newspaper reveals the role of the correspondents during the censorship of the 60s

A visit to the dictatorship past of Portugal in a weekend article by the leading portuguese newspaper Publico shows the role foreign correspondents played in the 1960s in covering events which were forbidden in the local press censorship: my take and that of NYT Marvine Howe.

Click here to read the article.

Italy and Portugal tied together in an exclusive exhibit in Lisbon on Renaissance Italian-Portuguese artist Alvaro Pirez

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Italy and Portugal tied together in an exclusive exhibit in Lisbon on Renaissance Italian-Portuguese artist Alvaro Pirez

On the 28th of November 2019, the Museo Nacional de Arte Antiga of Lisbon opened to the public an exhibit on the Portuguese painter Alvaro Pirez, who painted between 1410 and 1434. The painter lived many years in Italy and in particular in Tuscany during the Renaissance period and was confronted with artists such as Beato Angelico and Gentile da Fabriano.

The exhibit, for which Dennis Redmont has collaborated and which will end in March 2020, hosts works from Italy and Tuscany, similar to many sublime European museums such as the Louvre and the Berlin’s Gemalde Galerie. With more than 100 works from Italy, this is the most ambitious exhibit of Italian art organized in Portugal.

It is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to show the intense relations between Italy and Portugal, especially in the artistic field.

Click here to read the article on the exhibit published by Portugal’s leading newspaper, Publico.

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Exhibit in Lisbon discloses real death toll caused by floods in Portugal during Salazar’s regime

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Exhibit in Lisbon discloses real death toll caused by floods in Portugal during Salazar’s regime

Floods always trigger the blame game as today in Italy.

Under Portugal’s dictatorship in 1967, censors “froze” the number of victims at 200. Witnesses like Dennis Redmont reported that the real figure was twice as high as it is discovered 50 years later in a tell-all exhibit, held on Saturday the 30th of November 2019 at Vila Franca de Xira, in Portugal.

Apart from a big photo exhibit (some from Life magazine), there have been lots of testimonials with videos and a play.

Click here to read the article on the exhibit published by the Vila Franca town hall.

Click here to read the article on the exhibit published by the Mais Ribatejo newspaper.

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Docu-drama “Tres Mulheres” spotlights at the Trofeus Impala de Televisão awards as the best TV series of the year

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Docu-drama “Tres Mulheres” spotlights at the Trofeus Impala de Televisão awards as the best TV series of the year

After almost a year of success in terms of viewership and critical acclaim, the icing on the cake for the widely praised 13-episode docu-drama “Tres Mulheres” comes straight from the Cinema São Jorge, in Lisbon, where Protugal’s most prestigious media award festival – the Trofeus Impala de Televisão – took place Sunday September 8 2019.

The Portuguese series, created by the production company David & Golias, wins the award for best TV series of the year, which was received by the director, Fernando Vendrell.

“Tres Mulheres” revisits Portugal’s historical framework of the early ’60s under Salazar’s dictatorial regime and narrates the war against censorship fought by Dennis Redmont in his role as foreign correspondent (interpreted by Simão Cayatte) along with three true heroines and leading cultural figures: Natalia Correia, Snu Abecassis and Vera Lagoa.

Click here to watch the whole series in Portuguese.


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