Education, demography, economy: Redmont highlights the deeper roots of Italy’s cultural drift and the over-estimated role of trash TV.

Friday, August 23rd, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Education, demography, economy: Redmont highlights the deeper roots of Italy’s cultural drift and the over-estimated role of trash TV.

Dennis Redmont is guest columnist for Portuguese leading weekly Expresso: the article analyzes the role of Italy’s trash TV and the advent of populism, which spread like wildfire within the country’s political frame in the past few years.

The blame game is not as clear and simple as it appears to be. The “wild west” private TV and transformation by Silvio Berlusconi remains a superficial explanation.

A stagnant economy, a suffering educational system and a demography making it one of the oldest countries in the world can be found at the root of the problem.

Click here to read the full article in Portuguese.

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Dennis Redmont retraces the challenges against Portugal’s regime in the ’60s in an interview with Diario de Noticias

Friday, May 17th, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont retraces the challenges against Portugal’s regime in the ’60s in an interview with Diario de Noticias

Lisboa, 02/01/2019 –
Dennis Redmont
( Pedro Rocha / Global Imagens )

Interviewed by the leading Portuguese newspaper, Diario de Noticias, Dennis Redmont runs through his extensive and eventful memory to revisit the oppressive years of Salazar’s regime in the ‘60s in Portugal.

Censorship pervaded society, as both national and foreign journalists and publishers were constantly monitored and frequently badgered by the PIDE, the International and State Political Police. The media landscape within Portuguese borders was controlled by the government, so the only way accurate news could circulate was through foreign news platforms. “Pereira Maintains”, the renowned novel written by Antonio Tabucchi, perfectly illustrates the atmosphere experienced by Redmont.

As a young correspondent of the Associated Press, Dennis Redmont reported many gloomy stories on Portugal’s national and foreign affairs, which were carried in newspapers such as Le Monde, The Times and The New York Times. The Portuguese regime did not bite the bullet.

Click here to read the article and learn more about Dennis Redmont’s times during the Portuguese regime of the ‘60s.

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Tedx Rome 2019

Sunday, April 14th, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Tedx Rome 2019

As a member of the Advisory Board, on May 4 Dennis Redmont will attend the TEDxRoma 2019: Society 5.0, A Human Centric Future

The event will examine the possible traits of humanity’s imminent future, focusing on terms such as “innovation” and “progress” and hoping that the so-called “society 5.0” will manage to make this planet more cohesive, evolved and fair.

Meritocracy: Pro or Con?

Saturday, April 13th, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on Meritocracy: Pro or Con?

The Council for the United States and Italy organized on April 10 a rare and high-level event in Rome at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See for its Young Leaders Alumni.

The event revolved around the topic of meritocracy and its intricate nuances.

Arranged by the Young Leaders Alumnus veteran Pietro Sebastiani (Italian Ambassador to the Holy See), the theme was moderated by Dennis Redmont and examined by specialists Roger Abravanel (Author, “Aristocrazia 2.0”), Jeffrey Hedberg (CEO, Wind Tre) and Sister Alessandra Smerilli (Full Professor, PFSE Auxilium of Rome).

Meritocracy: does the word mean the same thing on both sides of the Atlantic?

Here you can find the link to the Council’s website.

“Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award

Friday, March 29th, 2019 | Articles | Comments Off on “Stories on Umbria” Journalism Award

On Friday April 5, Dennis Redmont took part to the award ceremony of “Stories on Umbria”, an event held at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia wherein the best national and foreign stories on Umbria’s cultural heritage have been rewarded.

The contest is organized by the Chambers of Commerce of Perugia and Terni.

Redmont himself, alongside the president of the jury Bruno Gambacorta, conducted the prize-giving, which took place at the Centro Servizi Galeazzo Alessi, in Via Mazzini at 12 pm.

The prestigious winners include Carmen Del Vando, Paolo Notari, John Henderson and many others.

Click here for every detail regarding the award cerimony in Italian.

Hosted at Radio24, Dennis Redmont outlines the potential risks of Italy’s involvement in China’s BRI

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 | Radio | Comments Off on Hosted at Radio24, Dennis Redmont outlines the potential risks of Italy’s involvement in China’s BRI

Dennis Redmont spotlighted on the morning Italian radio show “24 Mattino – Morgana e Merlino”, on the business news radio Radio24, to talk about Italy’s projected memorandum of understanding with China on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a far-reaching project and development program on the eve of Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy.

Redmont highlighted the possible risks, also addressed by the US government, that might sprout from such deal, as China is known for its hostile opacity in both the fields of business and technology.

According to Redmont, “USA is warning Italy, as this deal might turn out to be a hostile Trojan horse in the hands of a global force, China.”

Click here to listen the whole episode.

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RTP1 is now airing “Tres Mulheres”, the TV series on censorship under Salazar’s dictatorship fought by Redmont.

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on RTP1 is now airing “Tres Mulheres”, the TV series on censorship under Salazar’s dictatorship fought by Redmont.

The critically acclaimed 13 episode docu-drama, “Tres Mulheres”, narrating Redmont’s experience as a foreing correspondent for the Associated Press, is currently on air on channel RTP1 of Portugal’s public broadcaster RTP. Watch every episode here:

In Portugal, Redmont clashed with the censorship of the dictatorial regime of Antonio Salazar and fought censors along with three women, leading cultural figures. To follow production and updates on the movie go to

Redmont and the actor playing his role, Simão Cayatte, have met in the early production stages to focus on Portugal’s socio-political context in the ’70s and further discuss Redmont’s role in that peculiar historical framework.

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Launch Press Conference on “Beverly Pepper tra Todi e il Mondo”

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018 | Articles | Comments Off on Launch Press Conference on “Beverly Pepper tra Todi e il Mondo”

On Thursday November 29 at 11 am, the Foreign Press Association in Rome is hosting a Press Conference which will frame the schedule for the year-long celebrations of Beverly Pepper’s works of art in Todi. The Conference will include a welcome by the President of Regione Umbria Catiuscia Marini and the Mayor of Todi Antonino Ruggiano, a dialogue with art critic Marco Tonelli, and the participation of the cultural office of the U.S. Embassy to Italy.

The one-year commemorations will comprise three main events: a huge monographic exhibit, the re-edition of the famous “Todi Columns” and the inaguration of “Beverly Pepper’s sculpture park”, the first monothematic park of contemporary sculpture in Umbria and the artist’s first in the world.

INVITATION to 29-11 Press Conference DRAFT

PRESS RELEASE. 2018-2019 Beverly Pepper tra Todi e il Mondo.

“Trump has been curbed, but not stopped.” Dennis Redmont on the US Mid-Term elections on the Italian channel of Radio Anch’io.

Thursday, November 8th, 2018 | Radio | Comments Off on “Trump has been curbed, but not stopped.” Dennis Redmont on the US Mid-Term elections on the Italian channel of Radio Anch’io.

On November 7th, Dennis Redmont took part in the Italian radio podcast Radio Anch’io on the 2018 US Midterm elections.

Redmont analysed the preliminary results, underscoring Trump’s active involvement in the electoral campaigns.

With the majority in the Senate and the gubernatorial victories in Florida and Ohio, the Republicans are looking forward to the 2020 Presidential elections, for which Trump has announced his candidacy.

To listen the podcast in Italian click here

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Dennis Redmont on the US Midterm elections on Vatican Radio’s Italian channel

Thursday, November 8th, 2018 | Radio | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the US Midterm elections on Vatican Radio’s Italian channel

2018 US Midterm Elections

Paola Simonetti of Vatican Radio was interested in hearing what Dennis Redmont’s analysis of the November 2018 US Midterm elections.

Public attention should focus more on local elections, the 36 gubernatorial races and in particular the turnout of minorities and of the real America, those whose main concern are changes in their pay-check. These groups have likely determined the outcome of the elections.

To listen to the analysis click here.

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