Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Monday, January 23rd, 2017 | Articles, Debates, Radio, Radio & TV | Comments Off on Trump kicks off: Dennis Redmont comments on the inauguration speech of the new President of the United States

Radio radicale
Dennis Redmont was a guest of Spazio Transnazionale, the international current events newscast of Radio? Radicale, hosted by Francesco De Leo.
Redmont commented on President-elect Trump inaugural ceremony and on his speech, which was “unusual and divisive”.
“America First”, “Buy American” and “Hire America” were Trump’s rallying cries.
The radio broadcast is online on Spazio Transnazionale.

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The Trump presidency and the economy: Dennis Redmont on RaiNews

Saturday, November 12th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on The Trump presidency and the economy: Dennis Redmont on RaiNews

trump pence

Dennis Redmont was a guest of Tg Economia, the economic newscast of RaiNews (the all news channel of Rai) hosted by journalist Fabrizio Angeli, commenting the post 2016 US presidential elections scenario.

Redmont interved on Trump’s victory and on the possibile impact of his presidency on the economy.

The newscast can be viewed on Rai News website

US Elections 2016 Live Coverage: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Thursday, November 10th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on US Elections 2016 Live Coverage: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


Dennis Redmont was among the guests of the US 2016 presidential elections on Sky Italy all news channel, SkyTG24.

The electoral night was commented live by SkyTG24 editor in chief, Sarah Varetto, and many other Italian and foreign guests, such as Maurizio Molinari, editor in chief of the Italian daily La Stampa.

“Coping with Disruption”: the 32nd Young Leaders Conference on the Corriere del Mezzogiorno daily

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 | Articles | Comments Off on “Coping with Disruption”: the 32nd Young Leaders Conference on the Corriere del Mezzogiorno daily

Schermata 2016-10-12 alle 11.11.28

“Disruption, the driving force of the contemporary world”. This was the title of Dennis Redmont’s op – ed published on Correre del Mezzogiorno, the Southern Italy edition of largest Italian daily Corriere della Sera, to present the main theme of the 32nd Young Leaders Conference, organized by the Council for the United States and Italy.

In the op – ed, Dennis Redmont presented the concept of disruption, and the deep transformative effects of contemporary technological revolutions on business, politics and society.

The 2016 Young Leaders Conference was held in Naples, Southern Italy, from October 6 to October 8. More than 50 Young Leaders from all over the world discussed and analyzed the concept of disruption and its effects on contemporary world.

The article can be read here: YLC 2016_CorriereMezzogiorno_Disruption

Clinton – Trump, first Presidential debate: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016 | Articles | Comments Off on Clinton – Trump, first Presidential debate: Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


On September 27, the Hosfra University in New York hosted the first 2016 Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The event was covered and commented by all worldwide media, and Dennis Redmont was one of the main guests of “Dentro i fatti”, the popular breakfast news program hosted on Sky Italy by journalist Paola Saluzzi, which featured a wide – ranging commentary of the debate.

Redmont discussed the candidates’ performances and the possible impact on voters of the first Clinton – Trump face – off.

Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy

Friday, September 16th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on Sky News Italy


Dennis Redmont was a guest of “Dentro I fatti”(Inside the facts), a popular news program hosted by journalist Paola Saluzzi on the Italian Sky All News Channel.

Redmont discussed various topics, such as the latest developments of the US presidential campaign, and recent comments made by the American Ambassador in Italy – regarding the upcoming constitutional referendum – which have sparked a controversy among some Italian politicians.

Dennis Redmont on the Italian breakfast show “Unomattina”

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on the Italian breakfast show “Unomattina”

Dennis Redmont was one of the guests of “Unomattina”, the popular Italian breakfast show hosted by journalists Franco di Mare and Francesca Fialdini on RaiUno.

Redmont discussed the most recent developments in the 2016 Presidential race, Hillary Clinton’s health issues, and how they can affect the campaign.

The entire episode can be viewed here (link) from minute 17.00 on.

On the same topic, Redmont has been also interviewed for RTV, the national radio television network of the Republic of San Marino.

Stories on Umbria, the 2016 Award Ceremony

Thursday, May 19th, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on Stories on Umbria, the 2016 Award Ceremony


The Award ceremony for the 2016 edition of the “Stories on Umbria” International Journalism Prize will be held in Perugia, on June 11, at the Centro Servizi G. Alessi.

The ceremony will be hosted by Dennis Redmont, President of the Jury.

Among the speakers, the other Jury members, and the International and Italian journalists selected for the final shortlists of the Prize: among them, the Jury will announce the winners for each section of the 2016 edition of Stories on Umbria.

Remembering Rui D’Espiney, “Europe’s last Maoist Guerrilla”

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 | Articles | Comments Off on Remembering Rui D’Espiney, “Europe’s last Maoist Guerrilla”


Dennis Redmont wrote a story for the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, remembering Rui D’Espiney, Europe’s last Maoist guerrilla, who died in April 2016.

D’Espiney fought the Salazar dictatorship in Portugal, and was incarcerated and tortured for his guerrilla activity. An article written at the time by Dennis Redmont, when he was a young Associated Press correspondent in Portugal, saved D’Espiney’s life when he was in prison, putting his case under great international attention.

In the story, Redmont remembers the occasion when he and D’Espiney, months ago, finally met, 50 years after the first article.

TEDx Rome 2016 Launch Press Conference

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 | Debates | Comments Off on TEDx Rome 2016 Launch Press Conference


Dennis Redmont unveiled the program of the 2016 edition of TEDx , during a press conference held at NH Collection Rome, Palazzo Cinquecento.

Alongside with Redmont and Emilia Garito, TEDx Rome organizer, were movie director Gabriele Marinetti and scientist Guglielmo Lanzani: both will be among the speakers of TEDx Rome upcoming edition, on April 9 at Auditorium Parco della Musica: link.


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