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Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 | Articles, Debates | Comments Off on Debate “The European Paradox” – Aspenia

Dennis Redmont participates in the debate “The European paradox” organized by Aspen Institute Italia for the publication of its magazine Aspenia, number 57, “Elections and global power – Europe in US elections”. Redmont’s article about forthcoming elections can be found in this issue of the magazine.

Click here to see the invite

The debate takes place in Rome, at the Lancellotti Palace (Aspen Institute’s offices), piazza Navona, 114, on July 5 at 6.30 p.m.

Other important participants are: Giuliano Amato, Giancarlo Aragona, Enrico Letta, Enzo Moavero Milanesi and Giulio Tremonti. The Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Marta Dassu’ acts as a moderator.

Here you can find the link to Redmont’s article in Aspenia 57: Dennis Redmont, “Tutti a votare”

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Journalism 2.0? “A job for many, not for everyone”

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 | Articles | Comments Off on Journalism 2.0? “A job for many, not for everyone”

Dennis Redmon
t takes a picture of the state of the profession of journalist in the web 2.0 era in his contribution on the magazine  “Aspenia Web 2.0: Potere e Libertà” – on sale since October 24th 2011. How does the role of journalists change within the new web platforms? How do they adapt their activities to new technologies? And how does the same idea of ‘editorial board’ evolve?

Journalism is no longer an economically rewarding job, at least for what the large-scale journalism of old editorial boards is concerned. All those brand-new types of journalism – such as on-demand and do-it-yourself journalism, or the use of anonymous sources and false identities – raise up one big question: is ‘real’ journalism dead? Are thus journalists a vanishing species? Absolutely not. Actually, a good journalist’s key is a constant application of standard rules. Essential and timeless rules. True journalists will continue to be clearly heard among the mass of voices coming from the web.

click here to read the article on Aspenia 2.0

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