
Dennis Redmont on Rai Radio 3 about Italy’s political and financial crisis

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 | Radio & TV | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont on Rai Radio 3 about Italy’s political and financial crisis

On October 3rd, 2013 Dennis Redmont was interviewed by Rai (Italian Public Broadcaster) Radio 3 about Italy’s political and financial crisis.

Click here to listen to the interview (in Italian).

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Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 | Articles | Comments Off on Redmont’s contribution to the Italian WeThink project

Dennis Redmont proposes his viewpoint on the status of communication in Italy in an article for a project called WeThink (developed by Italia Camp, a network of Italian associations and think tanks). Redmont’s contribution to the project gives hints and examples of how society meddles with politics and suggests Italians to allow their country be “contaminated” by the outside world.

Click here to read the article

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